These spools make sure that you can have your work space set up in the ways

They have been at the forefront of innovative designs and features for over 80 years, so you know that you are getting the best quality available.As far as variety goes, Duracable offers large snake machines, handheld machines, and loads of other machines for Washing Machine Spare Parts Drain Pumps Suppliers  industrial applications.


You can also rest assured that all of Duracable’s drain cleaning machines are manufactured in the U.S.A. and are built with the highest quality materials. One of the best options for many industrial applications is the DM10 SP drain machine. This machine comes with a 16-inch metal spoke wheel and a ?-inch 75-foot drain cable. Despite its compact design, the DM10 SP sports a ? horsepower motor that runs at 195 RPM. It is easy to transport to and from a job site, and it can easily get the job you’ve got lined up done right. The DM10 SP has a double-tube frame that protects the wiring inside the machine, ensuring that the DM10 stays safe and reliable. The DM10 is rated for residential drain cleaning, sinks, roof vents, shower drains and more. Transporting the DM10 to and from the job site couldn’t be easier, with its dual wheels and light design contributing to easy relocation.Another great option is the DM150A1 Pivot Drain Cleaning Machine. This machine runs on a 1/4 HP motor and has a ?-inch, 75-foot drain cable encased in a polyethylene reel. This ensures that the drain cable stays intact and runs in a safe, reliable manner. The DM150A1 runs at 250 RPM, making it more powerful than the DM10. This particular machine is compact but incredibly powerful, so it can clear many stubborn clogs with ease. One of the most interesting things about the DM150A1 is that it can pivot from 0- to 90-degrees. This feature makes it one of the most incredibly versatile drain cleaning machines on the market today. Its ability to pivot also makes it an incredibly easy machine to work with. While it doesn’t have wheels like the DM10 SP, its extra-compact design works with you to ensure that you can get it into any position and clean any drain. The DM150A1 has five locking positions that keep the enclosed spool configured the way you want it during your work. These spools make sure that you can have your work space set up in the ways that work for you. It will allow you to master even the most confined space while you are working.Choosing drain cleaning machines often boils down to simply finding the right supplier. A good supplier can guide you to the machine that will make your job simple, clean, and quick, while ensuring you get the best price possible.Duracable is a formidable provider of cables, tools, and machines for plumbers and DIY repairers. They have been serving customers within the plumbing industry since 1981. Duracable prides themselves on their professional product knowledge and ability to educate their customers. They understand that their customers rely on great equipment and that their equipment directly reflects on them. You can contact Duracable directly by phone at (515-512-9817) and talk to a polite, professional representative today. Duracable’s drain cleaning machines also come with two-year warranties, ensuring you have consistent peace of mind when out on the job site. Work safe and work smart, work with Duracable!